December 3rd, 2009
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are in the middle of our unit on Africa in our 7th grade Social Studies class. Throughout this unit, we have been studying events in African history that have led to its current status. In order to truly explore what is happening in Africa, I feel I need to address issues such as civil wars and genocides. We will be covering the atrocities that have occurred in countries like Rwanda, and the Congo. We will also being looking at apartheid in South Africa, and the AIDS crisis. I wanted to let you know that if you have any questions or concerns about the curriculum I will be teaching, to please let me know.
I have been careful in choosing books, videos, and other information that are not too graphic and that are age appropriate. Even so, I feel it is nearly impossible to convey reality and seriousness of the events without some disturbing images and concepts. I strongly believe that we must learn from our history in order to prevent ourselves from repeating it.
I assure you that I will create a safe learning environment and encourage students to discuss their feelings and concerns. No students will be required to view or participate in any lesson that they do not feel comfortable with. I would encourage you to discuss with your child what they are learning about in class. This will help them process such mature concepts.
Thank you for your support. It has been a treat teaching your students this year.
Cathleen Weis